I agree to have my personal data used for the indicated reasons/in the following modalities:
According to art. 13 of the Code on protection of personal data (D.Lgs. 196/03) we inform you that your personal data are treated from the Fondazione Italiana del Notariato directly or through partner organisations in order to allow your subscription and attendance to the National Congress of Notaries as well as in order to fulfill the duties foreseen by the law, a rule or an EC norm. The presentation of your data is compulsory as to obtain what mentioned above; such missing, partial or not correct communication could make it impossible for you to register. Your data will be treated manually (for example through the use of paper) and/or through automatic mechanisms (such as by using electronic procedures and support), in any case following national law. The Fondazione Italiana del Notariato is responsible for your data. If you intend to practice your right of access to your personal data, or perform other rights of knowledge and revision foreseen by Art. 7 of the d.lgs. 196/2003, you are allowed to do so upon written request presented to the Fondazione Italiana del Notariato.