I declare that I have read the full privacy policy visible at the
PRIVACY link and at the same time I authorize the Italian Foundation of Notaries based in Rome Via Flaminia 160, as Data Controller, to the processing of my personal data that will be collected, processed and stored ex art . 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016, through the use of electronic tools, for the purpose of a) execution of the obligations deriving from the contractual relationship with the Italian Notary Foundation; and I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes referred to in point b) for documentary, divulgation and promotional purposes of the event and of the activities carried out through the use of official channels, for storage time for statutory purposes, accounting and tax provided for by art. 2220 of the Civil Code. I acknowledge the right to obtain at any time the confirmation of the existence or not of data at the Data Controller, to know its content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating; rectification or cancellation, portability and to oppose the processing for legitimate reasons, or to make a complaint to the competent authority.