Training and Research Project

Integration, migration, transnational relationships. Governing inheritance statutes after the entry into force of EU succession regulations

France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, 01 October 2018 - 30 September 2020

Hungarian seminar online 24 June - 2 July 2020

Due to restrictions ordered by the Government of Hungary and by the competent central unit of ELTE University that can be traced back to the protective measures against COVID-19 and to the pandemic alert, the Budapest seminar could not be held, and due to our knowledge as of today, still cannot be held in the traditional manner, i.e. with personal attendance. Therefore the coordinator and the members of the GoInEuPlus research and training consortium decided to imply the training event online in a way, which is as close to the original concept as possible, and which attracts the as most participants as possible (notaries, judges, attorneys).

The training event was divided into two modalities: deferred streaming and live streaming.

The recording of the presentations in Hungarian and of the round table in English was available in deferred streaming from 24 to 28 June 2020 on the following e-learning platforms: MOKK (Hungarian Notary Chamber), MIA (Hungarian Magistrates Training Academy) and MÜK (Hungarian Bar Association). The three organizations will allocate training credits to Hungarian participants.

A workshop on practical cases was solved in small groups of 25 participants in Hungarian language will be delivered on live streaming. The live streaming was held on 29, 30 June, 1st and 2nd July 2020. The participants were able to choose freely one of the proposed date to access the platforms.
                                                   Please download the programme 

You can also download the materials of the event (SLIDE) by clicking on the title of the presentation.
Please find at the following link the practical cases to be discussed during the seminar.
Please find below the videos of the seminar.

Please find below the video of the roundtable.
Please find below the report of the quality questionnaire of the seminar.