Training and Research Project

EU law training in English language: blended and integrated content and language training for European notaries and judges

Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, 03 September 2018 - 02 September 2020

ToT course and related activities

The Train of Trainers (ToT) course is the so-called pilot course to be replicated as a model in the three partner countries (Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary).
The ToT course was held in Rome from 18th to 22th March 2019, as planned
The ToT followed the selection of trainees through a public call launched in each partner country and some preparatory activities comprising a 2h webinar and some training materials distributed online. An entry and an end test assessed the starting level of competence of the target group as well as the preliminary results of the ToT that were addressed in detail in an internal report drafted by FIN Senior Project Manager for the purpose.

It comprised 20h of training for judges and notaries applying the C.L.I.L. didactic methodology by which both scientific content (EU Law) and language (English) was taught in an informal and relaxed environment where workshops, practical cases discussions, simulations and roles plays will guide the trainees in being equipped with EC Regulations 650/2012, 1103/2016, 1104/2016 rules, correctly interpreted and to be applied in an harmonized manner across Europe.

Please download the ToT Programme
Three expert trainers (Prof. Elena Ioriatti, the civil law notary Daniele Muritano, the lawyer Ms. Charlotte Oliver), twelve participants coming from the three above countries and two attendants have been involved in training on EU law in English language.
Discussions on practical cases, interactive sessions of exchange among notaries and judges, legal drafting at organized workshops and serious games realised in presence contributed to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills from the trainers to the trainees who will apply the acquired expertise in their everyday work, thus benefitting European citizens in the end. The C.L.I.L. - Content and Language Integrated Learning - didactic methodology has been applied at the ToT and will continue to be so through the entire Project.
The trainees of the course became trainers in three countries representing the Project (Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria) on the EU Regulations on Successions (650/2012) and matrimonial regimes for international married and registered couples (1103 and  1104 of 2016).

Please find herewith the link to the webinar presented by the three ToT experts in the context of the preparatory activities to the ToT
Please find herewith some photos of the ToT Course
Please download the materials of the ToT Course